Pioneer Program
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Helping your friends and business associates

HOMESmarketing's Pioneer Program is designed to reward people who are willing to help their friends and business associates to obtain quality online advertising services - both the participants of the Program and the users of the advertising services will enjoy exceptional benefits that will last for many years...

Joining the Program

Here are your benefits and how you could join the Pioneer Program:

  • Benefits to Referring Participants: Introduce the Program to as many people or organizations you know as possible - You are introducing affordable, long lasting, advertising services to fill people's needs. You will not earn monetary rewards by establishing new participants - this is NOT a multi-level marketing scheme. You earn referral fee only when purchases of services from HOMESmarketing occurs - please refer to Sections 2, 3 and 4 of the Governing Terms to learn more.
  • As an individual:
    • Join the Program automatically when you purchase a qualified subscription based advertising service. Both your ads on the system and the P-icon (introduction follows) on your personal website will silently link people to the ad services of HOMESmarketing; and you'll have the chance to earn referral fee out of their purchase of our services. (To subscribe click the "Place your order" button and tailor-make a service package based on your needs.)
    • Join the Program and then introduce the Program to as many organizations or people you know as possible (those can be real estate or mortgage brokerages, professional associations, or their members etc) and you can be benefited from all the new participants so connected - see explanation from this Help Q&A Topic# 208.
  • As an organization: Subscribe to the Program and introduce the Program to the associates of your organization, be it a real estate brokerage, a mortgage brokerage, a professional association, or other similar entities. Your associates or members will enjoy discount on the purchase of our advertising services while your organization will receive referral fee from us. (To subscribe click the "Place your order" button and then follow "Code PPS" on the new page.)

Place your order - Follow "Code PPS"

Participant ID ("PID")

Place the P-icon on your webpages to silently promote your own PID:
Sample URL of your icon link:
<a href="" target="_top"><img src=""></a>
Note: (1) Replace "####" with the exact PID of your own. (2) Change the size of the icon ("32") if needed - Available as font-sizes in pixel are: 14, 16, 24, 32, 48.
Each participant to the Pioneer Program will be issued a Participant ID ("PID"). The participant can then display the P-icon on all available webpages they could manage and visitors to the webpages may be introduced to HOMESmarketing's advertising services via the P-icon with the PID included in the link. If a visitor purchases any advertising service while a PID is in use, the visitor will enjoy discount on the purchase and the participant of the PID will receive referral fee from us.

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A d v e r t i s e m e n t